The right bicycle can mean fun and exercise. But it can also be one of your most valuable preparedness items.
Think about it:
It is one of the most popular recreational “vehicles“, takes up very little space, is easy to transport with a bicycle carrier, and doesn’t need fuel or need to be fed!
The bicycle is also awesome as a bug out vehicle if you want to save money, the grid goes down, or you want to bug out without a vehicle.
1. Bikes Are Great For Money Savings
Your bicycle can take you to your job on a nice day and up to the market with no gas spent using just your own muscles for power. Put some pack bags on it and you can carry a lot of groceries or other items. And you are exercising too!
With a bicycle generator, you can power a small TV, computer, recharge batteries or your cellphone and get exercise too!
2. Bikes Don’t Need Fuel in Grid Down Scenarios
For whatever reason, if the grid goes down you still have transportation that takes absolutely no fuel. It is easily repaired, stored, hidden and practically silent! I hate meeting bikes on the trail with horses as almost invariably the horses spook when encountering bikes.
Fit it with packs and you can haul a lot. Add a cart and you can haul water, produce, and even animals.
3. Bikes Can Get In and Out of Places That Cars Can’t When Bugging Out
The right bicycle can pretty much go anywhere off-road that a horse can. You can pack it and you can even pull a cart with it. On the road you can easily go 40 mph with the geared bikes and travel all day if you are in shape and with a cart or packed you can weave in and out of stopped traffic easily. You can even make it into a camper!
And you can customize your bike fairly easily and cheaply. Add a windshield or surry top. I have even seen rifle mounts on mountain bikes used for hunting.