‘Tis the Season, and I’m so glad! For yard sales, that is.
Well, I love yard sales, garage sales, whatever you want to call them. If you, too, are a “yard sailor”, you know why. Yard and garage sales are a prepper’s best friend, IMHO! It’s amazing what we can find and what we are looking for probably is not what the majority of our competition is looking for, so, that’s good!
I have a confession. I am bragging here – well, maybe just a little bit anyway. I’m so happy about one of my latest yard sale finds, and a 50 cent bargain, at that!
What am I so happy about? A vintage SaladMaster with slight disabilities, bought for only 50 cents. You heard me. 50 cents! It came with all five cones; for this job, I am using the grater cone; which finely grates. Love it! I’m grating six bars of Kirk’s Castile Soap, which I have hardened off for a month; fixin’ to make a fresh batch of laundry detergent. Always harden your bar soap off; it lasts longer and certainly grates more easily.
Anyway, about the SaladMaster…yes, this one is imperfect; it has a few minor disabilities, which has nothing to do with its ability to perform well. Sound familiar? The non-skid rubber feet caps are all missing…will be visiting the local hardware as soon as I get a “round tuit”; I’m sure they will have something that will do the job very well, for little cash.
I found this little treasure in a box, in a yard. I’m not opposed to sorting through boxes of junk. – and this is why.
I did have to remove the old muddobber’s nest from one of the pieces, wash them thoroughly, including cleaning out the “crevices” with a toothbrush, then run the pieces through the dishwasher for a final cleansing. The metal was heavily pitted, as it had been improperly stored, so, lots of “gentle scrubbing” (is that an oxymoron?) with steel wool; she will never be “like new”, but she works just fine, so, who cares?!
My 50 cent bargain is also missing the guard that’s supposed to help keep your fingers out of the unit while you turn it, I guess. But then, if you look on ebay, you’ll find about a dozen for sale, ranging in price from $49.99 to $100.00, most of them missing this same piece, or, at least, the pin that holds it in place. If you’re going to stick your fingers down in this while turning it, you probably shouldn’t be allowed to use it. :-)