I bought Mike Oehler’s book The $50 & Up Underground House Book back in 1978 when it was first published. And yes, I lived in the panhandle of Idaho at that time (where Mike hails from).
My homestead was on the north facing slope and just not suited to an underground home even though I have always yearned for one. Well, my house burned and that book went with it, but Wyzyrd just sent me these two books. I am still totally a believer!
The $50 & Up Underground House Book is a classic in the alternative building world. If you have ever been interested in the advantages of earth sheltered building this book is a must!
New to me is The Earth-Sheltered Solar Greenhouse Book by Mike. LOVE THIS BOOK! Even read a recent newspaper article from Minneapolis, where a couple up there is harvesting fresh vegetables year around in the city using this method.
This book has a good index, lots of drawings, some full color photos and takes you from his first experiments to the conception and development of the earth-sheltered solar greenhouse.
How impressed am I?
Well, I’m considering building one off the side of my house. I don’t have a south facing area that is not blocked from the sun by something, but I do have an east side that I believe would not only produce vegetables, but assist my home with solar heat and where I could put my koi, chickens, pigeons and rabbits in the winter.
We’ll see what happens, but I have been drawing, thinking, redrawing, thinking more, and pretty sure I have a plan that may just work – heat sink and all!
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