Food is my major concern when looking at my preps. I feel like I could just never have enough. At this point I have a large variety of types of food including common grocery store items as well as dehydrated and freeze dried.
I stopped by a local Sunbeam Bread Outlet store and saw a display of different bread mixes. What caught my eye was these were “Just add water“.
I picked up a few for $1.29 each and just tried the biscuit mix Sunday morning. Super simple to make. Like I said – “just add water” and then cook.
For the prepper this is a simple food prep that can be put back inexpensively requiring few supplies to prepare. Like most things – the true date which the product could not be eaten is likely well beyond the given date.
Anyways – the biscuits turned out great. My wife cut the dough a little thin but they tasted great.
There are many simple and cheap food preps out there that can make a world of difference when the time comes, and should definitely be included on any survival food list.