- A jack knife and a pair of pliers and you can fix, cobble, etc. most anything!
- Pots and Pans! Handy for oh so much!
- Solar landscape lighting! Bring them in for a much safer night time lighting than candles! Their batteries work in other things too! And they can recharge rechargeable batteries!
- Kitchen knives! You have a whole rack of tools there to cut, scrape and chop with!
- Garbage bags! Again so handy for anything from keeping warm and dry, to personal sanitation, to creating shelter and ropes!
- Aluminum foil! Handy for so much, ex. Cooking in, candle holders, reflect heat in and keep heat out!
- Heavy duty extension cords! They work to bring electric in if only you are the one without power and also as rope!
- Electric fence wire! That stuff practically holds my place together anyway!
- A chainsaw! No gun and you have intruders? Start the chainsaw! They won’t stay and you don’t have to be accurate!
- Your dog! Both an alarm and protection, even if it is an ankle biter!
- Duck Tape! What can’t you do with it!
- Whiskey/Alcohol! Sterilize a wound or tend to the pain!
- Car Radio! Emergency news at your fingertips!
- Deck of Cards! Yup, no electric, no lights, no sound, and those cards become mighty appealing!
- Aloe Vera Plant! Burn treatment!
- Anything in your freezer can be used as a cold pack if needed!
- Shower curtain! That is a large hunk of plastic to fix the roof, keep you dry, catch water in or line the bathtub and drain the rest of the water out of your system!
- Tarps, plastic sheeting, etc. Tack them to the walls and ceiling to create one warm/isolation room!
- Hammer! Way better than a rock for almost anything you want to pound on including an unwelcome guest!
- Grill lighter! It makes fire!