I bought this little garden shed off of Craigslist a couple of years ago for $50. Surprisingly it has never tipped over in any of the storms even though I did not secure it in any way. It has withstood below zero weather, mountains of snow, and has proved itself handy in the garden. But I just couldn’t seem to get the hang of how to organize it.
I expanded the garden and needed to move the shed which I did. I keep a bench in the garden just to sit on and contemplate things and that is when I figured out how to reorganize this little shed to be much more functional than just holding a few hoes and shovels. Here is the overview…
How fantastic! I now have storage for my garden gloves, seed packets, balls of twine and rope, plant markers and even several I haven’t filled yet, with room to add more!
So then I added some screws to hang stuff on. I’m using the star headed decking screws as they are weather resistant and I love the star heads – less likely to strip out.
The middle buckets are handy to hold rolls of anything, fertilizer, whatever. The bonus was that my post driver fit between them. So then I drilled several holes to hold scissors, wire cutters, knifes, etc. I did these with paddle bits. Very handy.
A couple of hooks came with the shed and some tools just lend themselves to this type of hanging.
When I was done, I even had space for my little kneeler/sitter seat. Once I had gathered my tools, it took less than one hour to totally reorganized this shed into a much more functional area.
Another big advantage? If I decide that I want to clean it all I have to do is take out the tools, etc. and hose it down! All the pots will drain automatically.