I ran across an idea to make a soda bottle green house for gardening. If you cut the bottom off, and remove the screw on top (but save it) you can put it over your young seedlings and have a mini-greenhouse.
- After danger of frost is past, drill a hole in each of the 2-liter soda bottle lids (the smallest drill bit you have).
- Screw them back on the bottles
- Dig down into the soil next to your plant, and bury your bottle at least half way with the top down.
- Fill the bottle with water and you have a trickle waterer down into the root area that should save water and eliminate the need for extra watering during hot summer days.
I haven’t tried this myself yet, but plan to as it makes sense to me. Hope it helps someone else. I think we all need to get out and plant something now and and get proficient in gardening before the bottom falls out.
This may not help a farmer with a layout of acres and acres, but maybe a senior doing container gardening will find it useful.
Remember, the best insurance for disasters large and small is to be prepared. Think about the 5 wise virgins from the Bible story!