I was shopping at Big Lots yesterday and scored Halloween toy glow-sticks. When the lights go out, glow sticks are cheaper and safer than candles and allow you to function without having to burn flashlight batteries. I like that they are small and light weight. I am considering these glow-toys for an Altoids-type survival kit, car-kit, purse and EDCs.
These are the glow sticks that you break and shake to mix chemicals. Given the price, and the fact that they were toys, I didn’t expect much in performance but thought they were worth the investment, if for no other reason than to keep the little ones entertained and feeling secure should the lights go out. The package included green, orange, blue and white sticks.
Well, let me tell you – I was impressed. They were very bright. Not bright enough to read with, but just one glow-toy cast a wonderful gentle glow throughout a rather large room. They glowed very bright for about 5 hours. After that they faded to about 50%, no longer illuminating the whole room but certainly bright enough to mark something you may want to find in the dark. At 10 hours they were pretty much done.
Stroll through the Halloween décor and toys section at your dollar store for interesting items that may be added to your preparedness supplies.